Saturday, December 31, 2011

whoaa.. lame x update ini virtual diary..hehe
-bese la, update menda2 penting je..supaya t bila da tua, xlupa   -

so, apa yang penting...

aku dah resign dari company sekarang nie 

satu keputusan yang agak berat sebenarnya..
sebab kerja kat sini seronok,
walaupun kadang sangat busy, tapi adat la kan..
nama pun kerja..

kenapa aku resign..?? KENAPA..!!
aku ada sebab sendiri,
hanya Allah, aku, family dan kawan2 kat tempat kerja je tahu kenapa (tapi tak semua la, 2,3 orang je taw knp )

mungkin jodoh tak panjang dengan company nie,
tapi aku ok je kalau in future dapat kerja kat sini balik.. 

so, last day, agak sedih.. 
in fact masa aku resign dari TM CSR pun x sedih macam ni 

aku jumpa ramai manusia yg OHSEEMM kat sini,


-the gorgeous "Siti I'ly "  
-the sweet " Catherine"
-the  brainy " JJ "
-the tricky but full of ideas " Pohvin and Hari " -
-the resourceful " Ms Liana 
-the genius " LeeZy "
-the skillful engineer " Abg Zul, Abg Ashraf, Sai Mun "
-the innocent " Boon Kwai "

-just to mention few names- 

-she is Siti I'ly -

- i'ly, Ms Liana & ohseem :P -

-me , JJ and I'ly -


helpdesk dept hanya ada 4 orang je,
aku, I'ly and JJ.. <--- 3 manusia hebat yang dok tadah telinga untuk dengar problem rakyat Malaysia hehe
ms Liana bukan la helpdesk, ms Liana more to admin stuff..<--- she cut her hair on our last day, seriously NICE..she  look younger 

oppss..kenapa OUR LAST DAY..??

sebab, hari tu,
hari yang sama untuk student internship ni tamatkan intern dorang..
(JJ,hari,pohvin, and catherine ) boon kwai pun intern, tp habis Januari t..

so, i met them, 
seriously FUN.. 

already miss my office.. 

no more hot Nescafe ..
no more kacau JJ dengan lagu2 Korea.. hehe
no more mkn and jalan balik dengan cik Siti I'ly sambil kutuk Kakbang..heheh

aku baru je kenal ngn Siti I'ly ni... (tataw nk pgl siti or I'ly :p )
she's very nice n gorgeous.. 
and on my last day, she gave me and JJ (keychain Angry Bird) Angry Bird punye beg kecik? ( tataw nk pgl pe :P )

-sweet kan?- Thank I'ly

huu.. aku cite kat mama aku ase sedih,
mama aku jawab
"ye la, semua rapat kat situ, selalu borak2.. kat TM susah nak berborak :p "

hehe betul gak kot..huhu 
tp hope kawan2 kt MCSB success selalu,
and MCSB akan terus maju..

btw, kredit to JJ for the pic :)

korang law dah kawen, jangan lupa jemput aku..hehhe 

" Hidup tak selalu bersama, tapi Hidup juga tak semestinya harus berpisah selamanya "

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 1:22:00 PM in , ,
it's a new year :)
-hijrah ye.. masihi tunggu lagi 1 bulan..huhu

salam maal hijrah 1433H
-lambat la aku, dah bape hari dah lepas sambutan maal hijrahnye-

selamat tahun baru buat kawan2..

so, mesti semua dah tanam azam di jantung..
aku pun sama..hehe..

banyak juga la azamnya..
azam yg tak masuk benak pun ada..haha.
tapi tak pe lah..
janji ada azam dan cuba untuk mencapai azam ..

sesuai dengan tanggungjawab yang makin BESAR

"manusia..kena selalu diberi semangat..
kalau tak..
akan layu.."

-gambar itu, di ctrl + c dari Google ye.. maceh.. -

Friday, November 18, 2011

that's the title..haha
the trip was
on the 5th to 7th Nov 2011

5th November 2011(sabtu)
-the journey begin.. 
-8 a.m dari rumah aku.. naik 'teletubbies' miss nabilah arif
*teletubbies..? what's that..?hahah
-this is teletubbies haha-  pic from uncle Google, xsempat plak nk ambek pic kete dye..
-sepanjang perjalanan, tak ada pon waktu yg senyap, as nabilah arif talked all the time..haha
(maaf3 nabilah) hahah
-kami stop kejap kt R&R Tapah utk breakfast,  then continue sampai Penang.
oh, her house is at Butterworth, not the island 
-her mom is a nice person, kind a quiet person( xmcm anak dia hahah)

6 Nov 2011( sunday)
- travel alone..hehe
-so, 1st place was Bukit Bendera a.k.a Penang Hill.
-if u travel by public tranport, u will need to ride on RapidPenang no 204
-then for the ticket, it will cost u rm10 for malaysian adults, rm6 for children and rm4 for students.
-ticket for PenangHill train)

-the place is very nice, cold, 

owh... actually i almost 'lost' up there..hehe
so there is one signboard where i followed 

(laluan tunnel)
(this is the 'laluan tunnel')

- aku jalan hampir 40mint cmtu kot (+ dengan mase aku nyanyi tengah hutan tu :p)

-bila da lama sangat jalan tu, aku dok fikir, kenapa jalan nie, tak ada pun orang lalu?
-nasib baik la ada 2,3 buah banglo kt situ, ( banglo je la, orang nye, entah ada ke tidak)
then, tiba2 aku nampak 1 lagi signboard
(ada map + signboard, kiri=Top Station, urus=Middle station)w
-nasib baik aku taw pe benda Top & Middle Station tu
-so, aku pilih Top station, 

(this is the 'laluan ke Top Station')

-bayangkan, aku kena tunduk nk lalu kt bawah nie.. dengan pakai selendangnye (tersangkut gak la), hujan rintik2 lagi..
semput weh...
-lebih kurang 10-15 minit ikut laluan tu, AKHIRNYA, aku jumpa main road yg dekat dengan station train td..
-PENAT KOT! hahaha

next stop, i went to TOY MUSEUM
(Toy Museum)

- entry fees: Adult Rm 10 and children rm6 (aku of haruslah la RM10) hahah
-ade banyak sgt toy dlm nie, so, law rase diri tu mcm budak2, pegi lah.. 

here are some pic of the toys..

(Mr Pirate)

(Mr SuperMan)

(chinese doll)

banyakkkkk wooo... siyeh... huhu

then after Toy Museum,
jalan2 je laaa...huhu

for those yang banyak kurang duit macam diriku,
sila la naik bus Rapid Free yang disediakn.
repeat - FREE -
setakat ni, ada 4 buah je bas free ni kat Penang (island ea)

(sila tunggu di signboard ni kalau nak naik)

so, try la.. ada lebih kurang 19 kot checkpoint untuk bas nie..
pusing2 la kt bandar Penang.

actually, ade la 2,3 benda aku x letak kat sini..



-hope dapat g backpacking lagi-
-kumpul duit!-

Friday, November 4, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 10:38:00 PM in , ,
time really fly...
it's November 
means, we do have about 1 and half month to end this year..

i have tried applied UTM for off campus study..
but the result will be out only on january 2012..
seriously, i do really hope they will accept my application..

but for now, 
i trying to save up some money..

can't believe..??
hoho me too.. hoho

~i'll miss the rain in october
-~'m hopingthe rain on november
~i'm waiting the rain on  december

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 2:36:00 AM in , ,

what's up shz...?
meh kita renung balik kehidpan kamu lately...

early Oct 2011, not that early actually, around 12th Oct 
-you resign from the CsR post at TM
17th Oct 2011
-you report duty for helpdesk engineer at MCSB
-while hoping that u gain some knowledge about IT 

the new job is cool, and somehow you learn something
for example
-how to check the printer problem
-how to help solving problem via remote acces

*might sound silly for some pple, but for me, hey it's new thing that i don't learn i college
you might say that,
"lar, kau bace je,xpown google je"
but then i will reply,
" law kite xjumpa masalah, kita takkan cari solution kt google :)"
so, boleh faham maksudnye di sini?

tapi, insya-Allah
aku masih bersyukur dengan rezeki yang Allah beri,
even gaji kat sini,
tak sehebat gaji customer service TM 

aku juga jumpa job interest baru
insya-Allah, aku cuba usahakan 

mencari kepuasan dalam keikhlasan

Monday, September 19, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 2:21:00 AM in , , ,
it is 2.00 a.m in the morning 
yet i still don't have the feeling to sleep.. not sure why..

just 'lepaking' infront of my lappy
-watching some movies
-listening to 90s songs
-refreshing my memories 
(i mean by see my pictures and vids from the past few years)

 i miss the old time- like a LOT

-miss all the laughter with my friends
-miss when i made stupid joke and blur face 
-miss arguing with them
-miss hanging around with them 
-miss the time when i was in secondary school
-miss when my mom make milo for me at night
-miss her cook
-miss the moment when i send my 'atok' to masjid on friday
-my arguing with my auntie's son (izwan)
lot more actually 

but i know
that's all have been a very meaningful moment for me
and the moment will not be the same even you try to do it again..

because for me..
every second is different
so each second count 

for friends, guys, 
i did miss u guys a lot...
we might not be the same as we use to be..
but still i love you all-forgive me for all the wrong doing-did't mean to do all that 

for my family,
they are the precious present that Allah gave me in this world
i know the, we are not the perfect family
but i do know, that every one of u try to make this family perfect
thanks a lot, 
still i love u my family so damn much

i might not tell you infront of your eyes,
hopefully you know what i feel

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 4:32:00 AM in , ,

dah sebulan kita berpuasa pada tahun nie..2011
aku taw..aku rugi tahun ni sebab aku tak dapat nak pergi terawih macam masa study dulu..
aku penat..
kuar g kerja awal pagi...balik kerja malam...
letih sangat..

tapi alhamdulillah.. puasa dapat dihabiskan dengan jayanya..hehe
dan semalam..30 Ogos 2011..

dan aku dengan berat hati terpaksa sambut sorang2 di kuala Lumpur..
housemate semua balik kampung..
dan aku xdapat cuti
(first work and i did't get any leave for hari raya)
tinggal la aku sorang2 di teratak nie..

pagi raya..
aku hanya makan meggi saje...
tu je yang mampu..
kedai semua tutup..humm.

sebak sangat..

aku col makcik aku..
cakap dengan tok aku..
memang rase nak nangis..
tapi aku tahan je la..

first time tak raya dengan family..
aku terpaksa reda je la..
moga2 ada hikmah..

btw, aku rase agak tertekan kadang2 dengan kerja nie..
sedang mencari kerja yang laen..
law ada rezeki dapat bahagian gomen..
alhamdulillah gak..huhu..

we'll see...:)
insya-Allah..rezeki Allah tu luas..

Thursday, August 11, 2011

on the 30th July 2011
was a big day for me and my friends who has completed our studies at our beloved college
International Islamic College's Convocation Day/Caremony dude..huhu
although we are only Diploma students..
but we were very happy..haha 
ye la..dapat jumpa kawan2 mase kolej dulu..huhu

especially my ex housemate
ana,waney,gus,leha and thohi...
unfortunately, we don't spend much time together 
as everybody is busy with their works la.. ape la..
humm... sad actually..
tp da lepas.. no need to think back la..hehe

so, my mom and my dad was there at the hall.. (wa happy der dorang ade hehe )
waiting for my turn to take the scroll on the stage..(i was among the last group to take the scroll) :P
funny part is..
while watching the caremony from the upper deck of the hall..
my dad can "sleep"..hahaha
he said - too many people go to that stage to take scroll n he's tired watching them..hahah
(me love them )

ha..1 funny moment i have upon the convocation day
that morning from my aunt house(we stayed at my aunt,cz it'll be more save meh..huhu)
i wore my sneaker-cz i don't really feel confortable to wear my proper shoe 
(like this 1-in black color-i cilok pix google nie..huhu)

and then.. after we reached at IIUM(international islamic uni m'sia)
i go out from the car to see my friend ..
and infront of the hall..i can see few people look at me in weird way..haha
then i realized.. that i have not change the shoe...adoii..
Ya Allah, i totally forgot about my shoe..haha

luckily my parent still at the car by that time..
i called my mom and ask her to bring my shoe(i put my shoe at the back seat)hehe
even the guy from committee member's laugh at me..hehe  

forget bout the shoe..
here are some pix from that day,so i can always remember this day.

(jannah,syifa,me and nabilah)

Me & mom 
(3 petals of roses-my mom said-org berebut nk beli yg sejambak+dolls tu
then benda tu mahal..huhu but i dont mind... :)) cz i xsuka bunga sgt..huhu
tp yg nie my mom i suka..huhu thx mom) 

(invitation card)

huh..that all la..
dekat kol 3 pagi da nie..
da penat..

sal keja lak..
hmmm mmg penat xhengat la wa cakap lu..!haha
xde life langsong..
balik-mandi-wt pe yg ptot-around 9.30 da tidur
bgon kol 6.30-7.30 g keja-6.30 ptg blk...
tired gilaks....

thinking of another job..
but have to find first then can talk..hehe

ya Allah...
kalau ada kerja yang lagi baik utk dan keluarga
moga kerja tu dapat merapatkn aku dengan mu dan keluargaku..

really miss my family now..

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