Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 1:22:00 PM in , ,
it's a new year :)
-hijrah ye.. masihi tunggu lagi 1 bulan..huhu

salam maal hijrah 1433H
-lambat la aku, dah bape hari dah lepas sambutan maal hijrahnye-

selamat tahun baru buat kawan2..

so, mesti semua dah tanam azam di jantung..
aku pun sama..hehe..

banyak juga la azamnya..
azam yg tak masuk benak pun ada..haha.
tapi tak pe lah..
janji ada azam dan cuba untuk mencapai azam ..

sesuai dengan tanggungjawab yang makin BESAR

"manusia..kena selalu diberi semangat..
kalau tak..
akan layu.."

-gambar itu, di ctrl + c dari Google ye.. maceh.. -

Friday, November 18, 2011

that's the title..haha
the trip was
on the 5th to 7th Nov 2011

5th November 2011(sabtu)
-the journey begin.. 
-8 a.m dari rumah aku.. naik 'teletubbies' miss nabilah arif
*teletubbies..? what's that..?hahah
-this is teletubbies haha-  pic from uncle Google, xsempat plak nk ambek pic kete dye..
-sepanjang perjalanan, tak ada pon waktu yg senyap, as nabilah arif talked all the time..haha
(maaf3 nabilah) hahah
-kami stop kejap kt R&R Tapah utk breakfast,  then continue sampai Penang.
oh, her house is at Butterworth, not the island 
-her mom is a nice person, kind a quiet person( xmcm anak dia hahah)

6 Nov 2011( sunday)
- travel alone..hehe
-so, 1st place was Bukit Bendera a.k.a Penang Hill.
-if u travel by public tranport, u will need to ride on RapidPenang no 204
-then for the ticket, it will cost u rm10 for malaysian adults, rm6 for children and rm4 for students.
-ticket for PenangHill train)

-the place is very nice, cold, 

owh... actually i almost 'lost' up there..hehe
so there is one signboard where i followed 

(laluan tunnel)
(this is the 'laluan tunnel')

- aku jalan hampir 40mint cmtu kot (+ dengan mase aku nyanyi tengah hutan tu :p)

-bila da lama sangat jalan tu, aku dok fikir, kenapa jalan nie, tak ada pun orang lalu?
-nasib baik la ada 2,3 buah banglo kt situ, ( banglo je la, orang nye, entah ada ke tidak)
then, tiba2 aku nampak 1 lagi signboard
(ada map + signboard, kiri=Top Station, urus=Middle station)w
-nasib baik aku taw pe benda Top & Middle Station tu
-so, aku pilih Top station, 

(this is the 'laluan ke Top Station')

-bayangkan, aku kena tunduk nk lalu kt bawah nie.. dengan pakai selendangnye (tersangkut gak la), hujan rintik2 lagi..
semput weh...
-lebih kurang 10-15 minit ikut laluan tu, AKHIRNYA, aku jumpa main road yg dekat dengan station train td..
-PENAT KOT! hahaha

next stop, i went to TOY MUSEUM
(Toy Museum)

- entry fees: Adult Rm 10 and children rm6 (aku of haruslah la RM10) hahah
-ade banyak sgt toy dlm nie, so, law rase diri tu mcm budak2, pegi lah.. 

here are some pic of the toys..

(Mr Pirate)

(Mr SuperMan)

(chinese doll)

banyakkkkk wooo... siyeh... huhu

then after Toy Museum,
jalan2 je laaa...huhu

for those yang banyak kurang duit macam diriku,
sila la naik bus Rapid Free yang disediakn.
repeat - FREE -
setakat ni, ada 4 buah je bas free ni kat Penang (island ea)

(sila tunggu di signboard ni kalau nak naik)

so, try la.. ada lebih kurang 19 kot checkpoint untuk bas nie..
pusing2 la kt bandar Penang.

actually, ade la 2,3 benda aku x letak kat sini..



-hope dapat g backpacking lagi-
-kumpul duit!-

Friday, November 4, 2011

Posted by ♥ soyee 10:38:00 PM in , ,
time really fly...
it's November 
means, we do have about 1 and half month to end this year..

i have tried applied UTM for off campus study..
but the result will be out only on january 2012..
seriously, i do really hope they will accept my application..

but for now, 
i trying to save up some money..

can't believe..??
hoho me too.. hoho

~i'll miss the rain in october
-~'m hopingthe rain on november
~i'm waiting the rain on  december

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