Saturday, September 29, 2012

Selamat malam belllogg ku..hehe

Pagi tadi, aku pergi exam untuk ..jeng3
.haha details seperti di bawah..

Exam : skim kemasukan Penolong Pegawai Maklumat F29
Tempat : Universiti Malaya
Tarikh : 29/09/2012
Masa : 9.00 am

Disebabkan rumah aku dekat je dengan UM..
Aku pun ambil langkah `kurang bijak` ye apabila aku telah bertolak lambat ke venue exam tersebut.
Jam 8.20 kot bary gerak dari rumah.
Owh.. Aku naik cik Teletubbies ye, Cik Nabilah hantarkn. Aku tak naik motor aku.

Sepatutnya perjalanan dari rumah aku ke UM dalam 10 minit je.
Tapi mungkin ujian buat aku ni ha, jem teruk pulak dari trafic light dekat TM Annexe tu sampai ke pintu masuk UM di sebelah masjid tu.

Tu satu, dah masuk UM, traffic still slow lagi.
Lepas tu, tak jumpa cari 'Bangunan Peperiksaan' kat mana...
3,4 kali la dok pusing Lingkaran Budi tu.
Sebab memang tak nampak langsung signboard bangunan tu..!

Lastnye, aku soh Nabilah drop aki kt depan Dewan Canselor tu. (sebab ikut Google Map kat situ)

Masa tu dalam 9.20 kot, Da drop aku, Nabilah gerak nak p opis.
Aku g kat security UM, tanya kat mana Bangunan Peperiksaan tu.

Dekat dengan Fakulti Kejuruteraan.
Dekat Kolej pertama tu, ada bus stop, depan sikit bus stop ada simpang. Sila masuk yang tu ye.

Security tu kata, ada signboard.
Huh.. Bila aku tengok balik, memang ada, tapi kecik da warna tulisab signboard tu lebih kurang sama dengan warna plat dia tu. (mintak tukar bg besar sikit signboard bolehkah?)

Once da tahu kat mana location, aku terus call Nabilah, soh pusing ambik aku balik sebab nak p kat bangunan tu, lencun dengan peluh jugak lah.

Sampai kat Bangunan Exam tu, aku cakap kat Nabilah " jangan balik ag, tunggu jap, mana taw diorang tak bagi aku masuk, boleh aku terus balik" haha

Aku cari dewan 3, (jam 9.30).
Sampi depan dewan, ada pengawas dok situ.

Pengawas : exam SPA?
Aku : -nodding2- (dengan muka yang sangat poyo mintak kesian)
Pengawas : kalau lagi 5 minit, tak dapat dah masuk.
Aku : Alhamdulillah ya Allah bg peluang untuk ambik exam ni (dalam hati, sambil muka senyum skit)

Peh..panjang pulak citer. Ni tak abis lagi.
Nanti sambung, sebab aku da penat sangat ni, macam2 jadi hari ni.

P/s: kalau ade sesapa yang jawab exam tu kt UM dengan aku, and dia perasan ade sorang pompuan masuk lewat gila, dan 'terbaca' citer aku ni, gudluck aku ucapkan..hehe

To be cont...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gud Afternoon.. Haha #bajetomputeh

This Saturday i have exam!
Psstt what exam.. ?? Tot u've work meh? Dont bluff laa..

Hish, i have  SPA exam for Penolong Pegawai Teknologi maklumat f29.

Venue: Uni Malaya
Date : 29/09/2012

Alhamdulillah i was called for exam, at least i get the idea and chance to be part of the gov civil servent aye.. Hehe

But, the thing is..
I'm not ready..!!

I dont have time to study..
Waaa.. Need to recall back what i have learn at school..
Not that i forgot all the subject la..
Need to recall back only,esp Math..! Haha

I will try to the fullest for this exam..
Hope something good will happen..

Gudluck for all candidates..

Few tips from other blogger, mr gugel and friends that has took this exam b4

+math (algebra,fraction n other)
+malaysia`s cabinet
+intro to IT(ipv,dhcp, etc)
+general knowlwdge(when was lrt launched)

Btw, they said that this exam is an 'objective' type of exam.. Cool huh..? Haha

Till then..

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Selamat petang..

Sehari 2x dok tulis kat sini.

Kali ni entry sebab aku rasa annoyed dengan setengah 'homo sapien' ni.

Homo sapien tu apa?
Manusia berdarah panas, mammal type bak kate cik Naga.. Haha

Back to my point.
Sejak kebelakangan ni, bila aku scroll je FB ke bawah, aku akan nampak la gambar2 couple2 ni.

So, pedehal an dengan gambar dorang.
Aku pun tak kisah sebenarnya, lantak kau la kan, gambor ko dengan couple kau. Peluk+Cium ke ada lak aku kesah?? For sure NO..

Jadi, apa masalah kau wahai Suraya..??
-nyebok je, p la cari boypren sana-

Aku annoyed sbb ayat yang korang tulis kat gambar tu.

" Ya Allah, jika dia benar untukku,
Panjangkan lah jodoh kami.
Jika bukan dia jodohku,
Jangan biar kami sakiti 1 sama lain.

Eh.. Bagus la dorang doa camtu.. Kau ni..!

Wei, kalau letak ayat tu kat gambar korang nikah, aku senang hati AMIN kan.

Tapi, ni gambar tengah couple, sambil peluk pinggang, cium pipi.!

Doa mintak keberkatan, tapi, cara tu cam tak kena.

Dah memang style zaman sekarang ke camtu ek?

Ah, malas nak ambik tahu sangat la.
Cuma aku harap, aku tak tergolong dalam kategori cam dorang.

Ow, memang aku jahat, tak baik, tak alim.. Aku tak tipu ni..
Tapi aku insya-Allah boleh fikir sikit la..

Olalal.. Dah abes wat luahan, nak sambung cari spelling mistakes.


Last wednesday,
We (dotnerd) have tried to steal our very limited and precious time to have dinner together..

Question:: Why would i said 'steal our limited & precious time'..?
Answer:: because, we have been BUZY with our life,mainly -works- haha

So, we tried, and tried to set up time for us to sit and hang out.
K.nani, Farah and I, finish our works around 6 pm.
So, we agree that Farah will fetch me at my house around 7.45 pm, since we promise to fetch others (k.nani,Jejem and Gee) sharp at 8 pm @ their apartment. Hahah
-owh, they lived in same compound but different block-

We waited for Gee to come down and Jejem to arrived from her office (PKNS) around 8.20 if im not mistaken.

Then, we try to persued Ude to come with us, since she only finish her work @9.00 pm! Hehe
After Ude agree to follow, then Jejem arrive.

As soon as Jejem get in the car, we rush to KLCC to fetch Ude from her office.
Hahah that's us..
Try every possibilities to meet up.. Haha

After fetched Ude, then we headed straight to Bangsar to have our dinner.
Feel so happy when we can laugh, chat, eat after months not hang out together.

Now, we still continue our life as usual.
Work,sleep.. Hahah

Pathetic rite.. I know..
But, we still keep in touch and try to steal our time again Hehe

Work hard.. Play hard

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Posted by ♥ soyee 10:26:00 PM in


Im at my bed now..
And i started to think bout people that i met around me..

Think of 'em which..
Some of them that i 'think' i know..
And many more of then who i dont know and we dont bother to know each other pon.. Hahha

First thought that i have in my mind is..

U knew somebody.. And they're fake..!

It's not they fake like they are Robot who tranform to human..hehe

What i mean is..


Faking to be happy around you..
Faking to be nice with you..

I know.. We all 'must have been' Silent Enemy once.. Hahah

Everyone did that..hehe
It just that..

It not good.. Bad actually..
But.. That's human nature kot..
Always tries to condemn others.. Sigh

I dont find any advantages by being Silent Enemy..

So.. I changes can make a good turn..
Y not we change from Silent Enemy to Silent Supporter or better name.. Silent Lover.. Hahahh

-its 2219 now.. And Cik Naga is sleeping soundlessly on my right..  sleep tight dear friend.. -

Owh.. Feel sleepy oredy haha...
Nite2 dear blog.. -yawning-

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Months after Skali ended and only now i update this 'super duper messy' blog of mine..

I miss Skali environment so much.. Hahaha

So much 'free' time there..
So much fun there..

Now thay i'm in the actual working world..
I dont really have time to hang out with my friends..

There go my enjoyable youth time.. Hahah


You would not get something unless you sacrifice something huh..?

Try to be mature everyday and undestand how the world around me..

Good Luck for me from myself then..

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